Chhour Kaloon was born in 1968. His family lives in Hong Kong is original Chinese province of Canton. It is now a French citizen and lives and has his studio in Nice.
After studying at the Hong Kong Art Academy, he attended painting classes in Paris, where he discovered and is passionate about the Great Impressionist masters, who themselves were inspired by Asian art. Her style is figurative but in the beginning it is rapidly moving towards Impressionism and Fauvism.
He remains true to this style for many years but at 35, shortly after his arrival on the French Riviera, it radically evolves towards abstraction while maintaining its palette of strong colors, the power line, the harmony of volumes, an underlying calligraphy and the technique of oil painting.
Chhour Kaloon like the warm colors: yellow, orange also strong colors like black, red. In fact, these paintings are colorful, powerful.
His paintings are highly technical and structured with glaze, the dripping, leaks, use mediums of different brushes and knives but Kaloon Chhour all this is a set of resources to research the agreement volumes, colors emphasizing the feeling on form.
Kaloon Chhour exhibited in numerous galleries in France and abroad (SHANGHAI – PARIS – NICE ….)
He is a member of Amber International, Academy of Fine Arts in Provence Côte d’Azur and is Academician of the Accademia Internazionale Greci Marino.
Chhour is the revelation of poetic abstraction by combining Impressionist and Asian influences.
Renowned among amateurs, his work is present in many prestigious collections worldwide.
Kaloon Chhour recently been the subject of a laudatory article in the prestigious artist Gazette Drouot animated by a rare knack for harmony compositions and colors, it offers us an original work that acts as a mirror to emotions.
It is touted as a successor of Zao Wou-ki and Chu Teh-chun and whose listing on the market only upwards.
VPA 22
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
Huile sur toile 146x228 cm
VPA 37
Huile sur toile 130x97 cm
VPA 41
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
VPA 38
Huile sur toile 130x97 cm
VPA 42
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
VPA 40
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
Huile sur toile 130x100 cm
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
huile sur toile 130x97 cm
NPA 46
Huile sur toile 146x114 cm
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm
Huile sur toile 100x100 cm