Françoise ABRAHAM dancing since the age of six, formed by professors from the Paris Opera, classical dance.
She discovered very quickly contemporary dance, it will be interpreted in different companies: Redah, R.Chopinot, Jazz Ballet in Paris, she will forever be marked by the symbiosis of life in motion.
The dancer is interested very quickly to the costumes, she invents her clothes. But her curiosity leads her to go further in the search form.
She slips imperceptibly costume decor then delves into the way of design. Her designs first recognized by professionals, get a major success with the public.
Demanding, rigorous, Françoise Abraham gets filled tense forms of sensuality. His female characters are propelled into space with speed and energy.
And curiously, although she likes to cultivate her curves, her sculptures show an amazing lightness.
Of course the color resin, personal technique developed by Francoise allows fantasy and give free rein to his imagination overflowing with fertility.
With this new creative field, these tinted colored resins in the mass are unique in the Art market, with an always original decor and a touch of madness.
Françoise Abraham continues her ongoing research with accessories that accompany his characters come and bring more expression of a reflection on our freedom.
Between technical skills and creativity, Francoise Abraham knows preserve this great little spark that gives life another perfume.
Co-Chair of the Salon d’Automne of the sculpture section of Paris until 2008, Françoise permanently exhibited in galleries and private exhibitions in Singapore, Paris, New York or The Hague …
The form in space with imagination, exuberance, lightness, humor and roundness. That sums up the personality of his work.
Françoise danced his sculptures.
Conquering China
… Today, Françoise Abraham adds a new string to its bow as it inaugurated a monumental sculpture of 5 meters high, in Shenzhen China, in the city center in front of a luxury shopping center. Pressing this woman, who has been permanently installed, is called “LADY FASHION”. This project was made possible by a property developer, a great art lover, who wished to have this “Fashion Lady” before the Centre that it has just built …