Jean-Pierre Kunkel, bornin 1950 in Liévin, France, stands as one of Germany’smostcelebratedillustrators and commercial artists.
His journey into the world of art began with formaleducation in painting at both the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg. Initially, Jean-Piere Kunkel started working as an illustrator, building a career for over 35 years of experience in the advertisingindustry.
After his studies, Jean-Pierre KUNKEL went on to discover the art scene of Paris and New York, where heassisted the French advertisingphotographer and art activist Jean-Paul Goude. That time greatlyinfluenced Jean-Pierre Kunkel’s photorealistic way of working that he perfected on an auto didactical basis later on.
His workgot world-widecoveragewhenhecreated a famous cover for “Der Spiegel”, a German weekly news magazine with one of the largest publications of Europe.
Currentlyresiding and operating fromHamburg, Kunkel’sartisticrepertoirespans a diverse range of mediums, includingwatercolor, oilpaints, airbrush, photography, and digital image manipulation. However, itis his unique fusion of techniques in his photorealisticseriesthattruly sets his workapart.
Through his masterful use of color, light, and texture, Kunkelbreathes new life into his subjects, transformingordinary moments captured by the camera into extraordinaryworks of art. In Kunkel’s hands, reality is not simplyreplicated but reimagined, allowingviewers to experience the world through his unique perspective. Like his teacherGoude, heapproaches his ownidea of perfectaesthetics through art. In thissense, photorealismisboth a stylisticdevice and a technique.
Eachpiece in Kunkel’s pool collection ismeticulouslycrafted, with every stage of the process executed with precision and care. It all begins with the conceptualization of photographic images and the quest for the perfectmodels. Kunkelthenbrings his vision to life through elaborateunderwaterphotoshoots, capturing the essence of his subjects in a distinctive manner.
Following the photography stage, Kunkelmeticulouslysifts through his digital images, isolating and reassemblingindividualelements to createcohesive compositions thatevoke a sense of harmony and balance. Jean-Pierre aims for perfection, and underwaterdistortion of the body by the reflectionunderwater must beeliminated in the process.