Jacques Wetterer was born near Strasbourg. Graduate in Arts and dental techniques, in which he made a long career, he pursued parallel to these activities, studying biology that will stimulate his curiosity and his infinite love for nature in all its aspects.
Reached the end of his career, he decided to devote himself entirely to his passion, carved reproduction of the animal world.
His experience in modeling and sculpture, his mastery of ceramic materials, plastics and metals allow him to grasp with equanimity this new field, which will provide him with sensations and emotions that are unknown …
The happiness of contact closer to the animals in their environment, motivates the majority of its investments in time and resources.
Jacques Wetterer made trips to Africa to be closer to the animals.
He shoots with a lot of talent and then reproduced as close to reality, bronze or ceramic.
His hyper-realist sculptures are amazing and surprising: hippo full size (2.30 meters for 230 kg of ceramic and resin), rhinos, monkeys humorous situations, elephants with calves … To be even closer to reality, the artist uses dental and optical materials and hair monkeys. « Beware the Gorilla » Georges Brassens sang … We are impressed and amazed at such a love of animals that gives such beautiful results.
The artist Wetterer is a member of the Taylor Foundation, the Marwell International Wildlife Art Society (MIWAS) and Associate Member of the Society Of Animals Artists (USA). He has exhibited in Barcelona, London, and the Carrousel du Louvre with the National Society of Fine Arts. He has received numerous awards for the quality of his work.
Wetterer distinctions:
•Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Louvre, PARIS
“Prix Rumsey”
• David Shepherd Wildlife Art Foundation. Great-Britain
“Wildlife Artist of the Year, Wildlife in 3D Runner-up”
• Academic Society Arts Sciences and Letters
“Medal of Vermeil”
• International VITTEL France Salon
“Medal Special Jury”
• Society of Animal Artists. USA
“Award of Excellence”
• National Society of Fine Arts, Louvre PARIS
“TAYLOR Price”
• David Shepherd Wildlife Art Foundation. Great-Britain
“Highly Recommended Finalist”
• National Society of Fine Arts, Louvre PARIS
“Price Georges Hilbert”
• Marwell International Wildlife Art Society. Great-Britain
“Best 3D Sculpture”
• The Wildscape Winners. Great-Britain
Wetterer distinctions:
•Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts. Louvre, PARIS
“Prix Rumsey”
• David Shepherd Wildlife Art Foundation. Great-Britain
“Wildlife Artist of the Year, Wildlife in 3D Runner-up”
• Academic Society Arts Sciences and Letters
“Medal of Vermeil”
• International VITTEL France Salon
“Medal Special Jury”
• Society of Animal Artists. USA
“Award of Excellence”
• National Society of Fine Arts, Louvre PARIS
“TAYLOR Price”
• David Shepherd Wildlife Art Foundation. Great-Britain
“Highly Recommended Finalist”
• National Society of Fine Arts, Louvre PARIS
“Price Georges Hilbert”
• Marwell International Wildlife Art Society. Great-Britain
“Best 3D Sculpture”
• The Wildscape Winners. Great-Britain