Youn-Kyoung Cho said YOUN born in Seoul, South Korea in 1971, curious new horizons, it’s the age of 19 she decided to leave his family and his homeland for Europe “land of arts. “
Adoption of Nice, the South Korean Youn Cho is one of the most attractive figures of the Riviera art scene.
With “Girls”, the artist embodies the playful dimension of the School of Nice while preserving its Korean identity and manga culture. It fits quite naturally in the wake of Ben, Arman, Sosno, Moya, Gilli and Chubac, all whose cheerful humor requires public participation.
The “Girls” Youn express the joy of living. True icons, these fantasy characters colorful and contrasting reflect the expression of the soul and universal childish emotions close manga (big eyes, mid-western features, mid-eastern, outfits …) they bear the marks of nostalgia for a world of innocence, nonconformity and spontaneity of emotions.
Such traces of a past fantasized child or teenager become timeless, these sculptures are needed as challenges to the passage of time.
Graduated brilliantly from the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, she decided to settle in Nice in 1998. Soon, his “Girls,” in turn players, bathers, divers and pouting, highly successful.
The artist has participated in fifty exhibitions in France and abroad. His works are in public and private collections (including that of Norman Foster), France, Monaco, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Jordan, Morocco, South Korea, USA …
Youn seems to play difficulties and works of small and monumental pieces with a dexterity that is breathtaking.
His wives terracotta are remarkable elegance and refinement, a real aesthetic pleasure.
Indeed, each of these faces represent moods, a facet of the character of Cho Youn, hence the multitude of faces and postures of the “girls”.
These are actually pieces of a great puzzle inside. The sculptures also draw the light with their bases.
Technique mixte sur résine 38x25x25 cm
Anmy l’envol
Technique mixte sur résine 127x130x100 cm
Happy girl
Sculpture en terre cuite H70 cm
Technique mixte sur résine 49x40x18 cm
Technique mixte sur résine 58x27x25 cm
Happy Girl
Technique mixte sur résine 72x43x26 cm
Happy News
Technique mixte sur résine 90x40x45 cm
Medium Party
Technique mixte sur résine 71x63x30 cm
Technique mixte sur résine 18x56x33 cm