François Boucheix was born January 7, 1940 to Montcheneix, a small village at the foot of the Monts d’Auvergne. He began drawing very young. Fatherless at 15, he has to learn a different profession of his artistic aspirations. Malgrè the hard work of the day, he held the evening and part of his nights to paint, and his days of freedom.

At 17, supervisor at Marist in Riom, he as a neighbor room the painter Jean de Rocca Serra, Rome Prize and former professor at the School of Fine Arts in Florence, who taught him the painting for a year.

He made his first exhibition in February 1960 in Tunisia, then in Auvergne province in particular and in the south of France. Four years in Chamonix, where he reads an advertisement in a national newspaper, the gallery seeks Sèvres painters. It responds to the announcement by sending photographs, and shortly after he learns he is retained.

It manifests itself in Paris in 1963 at a major exhibition at the Galerie de Sèvres where he met Bernard Bellaïche. From 1966 to 1972 he regularly exhibits in this gallery notably Lebasque, Othon Friez, Dignimont, Crau Salaboudet Madeleine Luka, Marie Laurencin and the paintings of Salvador Dali and Foujita.

François Boucheix offers a surreal view of the world with total freedom of inventive richness and wonder gift that keeps intact his fidelity to his roots and his land Auvergne. [Not neutral]

Bernard Bellaïche he meets Salvador Dali and that day everything changed. Dali tell him “your painting is good … besides she likes to Gala. ”

This is a result of a famous exhibition at the Sèvres gallery in Paris “Dali to Boucheix” with paintings by Meissonier he decides it will be a surrealist painter of dreams and happiness and not a sad surreal .

He also met with the Sèvres gallery of Yasmine Ouezan, friend of the arts at all Paris of that time, the meeting will pass 30 years of friendship.



Peter Klasen is born in Lubeck, Germany in 1935.
Lives and works in France.

From 1956 to 1959, Peter Klasen studied at the School of Fine Arts in Berlin. In 1959, winner of the mécennat of German industry, he obtained a scholarship and moved to Paris.

Peter Klasen is in the 60, a founder of the artistic movement called New figuration or narrative figuration. He develops a personal visual language, exploring and reinterpreting the signs of our urban environment, and more generally in our society.

Industrial theme profoundly marked his work. We thus find in the paintings of Peter Klasen, items such as pressure gauges, gear plate public works, metal locks, truck tarpaulins .. Also present logos, numbers and pictures from magazines or posters .

Painter of the urban concrete and metal, Peter Klasen explores the depths and vertigo of a dehumanized society. His works are present in more than 60 museums and public collections worldwide.

His works have been the subject of numerous monographs.

“Painting frees me from my anxieties”

What motivates you to paint ?? An engine that is up and running all alone, like a Volkswagen. Well, it’s not really a good example, right now, with the problems of the brand …

Photography. Photo feeds my future work. I leave my travels and I’m sorting the workshop. From this material, I develop new themes. Photographing the reality is not reduced but the sublime. This is an investigation of reality through the lens. The close-up limits our field of vision and focus our attention.

Language. I developed an antibody language that resists permanent aggression exerted on me the outside world. This is the summary of my life. The strength necessary to meet the individual and collective threat that we face.

Anguish. There is a common thread in all my work: loneliness, anxiety ?; this is what I feel in this society that ultimately makes us sick. This is as a painter, with my images, I try to free myself, to find answers.

Thought. It is three-dimensional: painter, photographer and sculptor. People know the painter and photographer but they often forget the sculptor.

New York. The discovery of a mythical place and the same time the rediscovery of a city that cinema had already perfectly told me.

Walls. The places on the fringes of our cities, underground, scrap, landfill yards, the hidden faces of our industrial world exert a strange fascination for me.

Wife. Always eroticized. It does not escape its reassuring aesthetic that brings us back to life. Through fragments of the female body, I invite the viewer to do the job.

Contemporary art. I think of the greater good, I accompany. This is more exciting than ever. Above the Street Art, a reaction to what the city offers us. Our tables are too small.

If you had not been a painter ?? Musician. My father was a musician in his spare time. He played the violin Brahms, Bach, Mahler …



Chhour Kaloon was born in 1968. His family lives in Hong Kong is original Chinese province of Canton. It is now a French citizen and lives and has his studio in Nice.

After studying at the Hong Kong Art Academy, he attended painting classes in Paris, where he discovered and is passionate about the Great Impressionist masters, who themselves were inspired by Asian art. Her style is figurative but in the beginning it is rapidly moving towards Impressionism and Fauvism.

He remains true to this style for many years but at 35, shortly after his arrival on the French Riviera, it radically evolves towards abstraction while maintaining its palette of strong colors, the power line, the harmony of volumes, an underlying calligraphy and the technique of oil painting.

Chhour Kaloon like the warm colors: yellow, orange also strong colors like black, red. In fact, these paintings are colorful, powerful.

His paintings are highly technical and structured with glaze, the dripping, leaks, use mediums of different brushes and knives but Kaloon Chhour all this is a set of resources to research the agreement volumes, colors emphasizing the feeling on form.

Kaloon Chhour exhibited in numerous galleries in France and abroad (SHANGHAI – PARIS – NICE ….)

He is a member of Amber International, Academy of Fine Arts in Provence Côte d’Azur and is Academician of the Accademia Internazionale Greci Marino.

Chhour is the revelation of poetic abstraction by combining Impressionist and Asian influences.

Renowned among amateurs, his work is present in many prestigious collections worldwide.

Kaloon Chhour recently been the subject of a laudatory article in the prestigious artist Gazette Drouot animated by a rare knack for harmony compositions and colors, it offers us an original work that acts as a mirror to emotions.

It is touted as a successor of Zao Wou-ki and Chu Teh-chun and whose listing on the market only upwards.



Raya Sorkine was a French painter.

Alain-François Bouvier Cachard was born in 1936 in Paris. His artist name is Raya Sorkine, name and surname of his mother. The latter, a Jewish Russian immigrant, conveyed his Semitic and Slavic culture.

He saw in a joyous Jewish culture, punctuated by traditional festivals and music, the colors, the events and the atmosphere in his paintings resonate. Its culture is therefore essential influence.

But we see that his work is synonymous with diversity, developed since childhood, rocked by numerous trips and wars. Growing up, he continued traveling through Europe, and translated into his work all his knowledge of the world: it is the cultural difference that makes it grow, he and his work.

By immersing themselves completely in painting at age 22, he had no relationship that could help him in his approach. For over ten years, Raya Sorkine experienced misery, “a tent was my luxury.”

After his travels and its culture, its third source of inspiration is the woman. Four women and seven girls will all muses. The paintings are populated Raya Sorkine contrasts. While the eyes of the characters reflect the horror of the time (with the Holocaust, for example), the colors sing the hymn to life: yellow, red, green … They express a serene optimism.

Since 1962, he exhibited in galleries and museums both in France and abroad (Germany, Japan, USA …).

At the age of twelve, he left school and, barely fourteen years old, with a small sketchpad, he hit the road like a nomad. He sleeps under the stars. Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East … it goes everywhere, drawing or painting.

Later he bought a caravan to continue his travels. Along his wandering life that lasts almost twenty years, it disperses in the world his many paintings, he married four women he has seven daughters.

Today, grandfather of four grandchildren, the painter has lost none of its primitiveness or its universalist mysticism. In his house in southern France, he likes to read texts of the Zohar or the Kabbalah.

He paints the night listening to “Music” (cosmic or religious). His painting is deeply and profoundly Jewish slave.

Admitted to Bénézit since 1971, Raya Sorkine is present in all international guides and its rating is regularly confirmed by Drouot auction of Versailles, Geneva, London …